Blahg Blahg Blahg

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Not much going on these days. I am looking forward to my hosting spot with Nick Swardson the week of Aug. 17-21. I think that will be a great week and lots of fun. My girlfriend is back from Vegas now and bought me the pinkest work shirt ever. Yes, that was my gift. A pink workshirt. Let that sink in before moving on. I have nothing against the color pink or even wearing the color pink as a workshirt to work where I work on working stuff. Its just that I told her I really wanted a new video game or batman costume. I am probably going to do that thing where your grandmother buys you a gift and you can't say you don't like it cause then she'll hate you, so you act like you like it but you never wear it and then eventually you break up. Thats how relationships work people, okay, I know about these things. I am starting to get some new material together now. Not sure where this sudden burst of ideas came from, but its awesome and I fully intend to procrastinate on it until the ideas are forgotten and then I can go back to just doing my proven stuff over and over until crowds eventually hate me. That will definitely get me into Boston next year. Take that America. By the way feel free to sign up on the message board on the site. It is under "contact" on the menu panel. Right now there are 4 people on it. One is the site designer Craig, one is my old college chum Pal Bille, and the other two are me, because I didn't know how to sign in and somehow did it twice. Oh jolly Thursday.


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